What it takes – a parents perspective

What it takes – a parents perspective

A Parents Perspective

With the BEu100 Championships at Frickley Park now an exciting memory forever etched in the brains of all those young athletes who represented their country, we wanted to find out more about some of the support crew.

The role of supporting Mums and Dads covers everything from groom to mentor to transporter and of course financial support. When we interviewed a selection of the BEu18 Scotland Team it was apparent how they all cited a parent as their biggest supporters.

We were keen to get a parents perspective and so we took a few minutes with super Mum Emma Bryce to find out more.

The Interview

Please introduce yourself and your daughter

My name is Emma and my daughter is Ellie. Ellie is on the Lindores Equestrian sponsored BEu100 Scotland Team.


Do you come from a horsey-background yourself and has this been a help or a hindrance?

I had a pony when I was younger but my parents weren’t horsey in the slightest. I bred my own foal in 1999 Macrana.

How has riding influenced Ellie as she is growing up?

Ellie has been riding since before she could walk so as a result spends every free moment she has with them. When she fell in love with eventing she took in two liveries to fund it, getting up at 5am every day to ride and muck out before school.

As a parent what have you invested into Ellie achieving her goals?

Mainly time as after buying her first pony she has saved and purchased her subsequent ones.

How did you feel when Ellie got selected for the BEu18 Scottish Team?

Exceptionally proud, she had worked so hard to achieve her goal of representing Scotland and had many setbacks along the way but always picked herself up, dusted herself off and tried again.

As a parent which phase of eventing to you enjoy the most and why?

Cross country I think as it’s wonderful to watch but heart racing at the same time.

Which is your least favourite part?

Dressage as it’s the phase Ellie always feels she could have done better. It’s also the phase I can’t watch!

Since Ellie has been eventing what have you learnt?

To be patient, never give advice to her at an event and how lovely and supportive all the other parents are.

What advice would you give to other parents with a son/daughter interested in taking up eventing more seriously?

Make sure you have an understanding other half as weekends are rarely spent at home!

Does Ellie have any supporters who need a mention?

Two years ago Ellie was approached by Jim Spiers from Advanced Roller  Doors (EK) to be a brand ambassador who has been an amazing support ever since and more recently by A2B Equestrian, who are a riding safety centre, and ensure Ellie is well kitted.

Find out more…

If you haven’t watched our fun video with some of the BEu18 team you can watch it here.

Or if, like many of the BEu18 team you’d like to come and train at Lindores Equestrian you can.

Train at Lindores Equestrian 

Watch Video Interview with BE u18 Scottish Team Riders



British Eventing U18 Scottish Team 2019 – Quick Q&A’s

British Eventing U18 Scottish Team 2019 – Quick Q&A’s

Photograph:  Front from left: Brooke Walker, Iona Landale, Emma Walker (Team Captain). Middle from left: Kelly Grant, Pollyanna Smith.  Back from left Roan Grant, Laura Patterson.

About the British Eventing Scotland u18 Team

A selection of the ‘local’ British Eventing under 18 Scottish Team visited their sponsor Lindores Equestrian just one week ahead of the National U18 Championships at Frickley Park.

What an awesome bunch they are! With the youngest rider in the team at 14 years old. The team at Lindores were blown away by their confidence, positive mind-set and extensive training calendar!

It’s nice to get to know the team that are representing our nation. But alongside our fun Q&A’s video clip above there is of course a more serious side which has involved working and training hard to get the results needed to be selected.

From the horses mouth

Each rider and horse qualified under the British Eventing Youth Programme and we couldn’t be prouder of the hard work and dedication they have shown. said Anna Black, Manager at Lindores Equestrian.

Many of the riders have trained over the cross country fences at Lindores.

“I did cross country on Heaven for the very first time at Lindores. I remember getting so much confidence apart from I couldn’t get him over the classic Lindores jump in the water! Thankfully that didn’t last long!”

said Kelly Grant, who aged 15, is representing Scotland with Heaven for the first time in the 100 team.

Kelly Grant riding Heaven

Roan Grant, groom for Wills Oakden, is also making his debut appearance on the 100 team riding Caballo Rojo (stable name Will) and said:

“I’m really excited about being part of the team and I’m most looking forward to the cross country. It’s been really nice to come and meet other team members tonight.”

While the cross country is the phase that the team seem unanimously most excited about, the team are divided as to whether they are more apprehensive about the dressage phase, or the show jumping phase.

“I’m most looking forward to seeing all of my friends and getting to have another crack at 2* cross country”

“However I am slightly worried for the show jumping as I find Millie [who is 14.2hh] struggles with the horse distances. Being selected for the team means a lot and is made even more special by the fact we are competing for our country.” said Ruth Farnsworth

Local rider Jemima Cross is no stranger to Lindores Equestrian and she is also making her Scottish Team debut, saying

“I am looking forward to representing Scotland at the Championships and being part of a great time. I am most apprehensive about letting Patrick [Village Crescendo] down.”

Jemima Cross riding Patrick. Photo by Action Replay Photography

As young athletes they all have great motivational advice to share.  Katie Edgar said:

“The best piece of advice was given to me by Ian Stark when I was 13 and I asked him how I could get on to a British Team. His advice was ‘every time you go out competing do your very best for yourself. My advice for any rider chasing their dreams would be never give up. You only get out what you put in.”

Katie Edgar riding Airborne. Photo by Action Reply Photography

Jodie Craig, who is also making her debut appearance agrees,

“You may think that you are the only one having problems or difficulties but you’re not. The only way to improve and get better is to work through these coming out even stronger each time you ride. As the famous saying goes ‘we learn from our mistakes’. It is also important to sometimes take the time to realise how far you have come as I find this motivates me to work harder.”

When speaking to individuals they are all excited about the opportunity to ride together as a whole team for their country. Let’s get behind them all and show them our support.

Keep following us because we’ll be sharing more about the team and their progress for Frickley Park National U18 Championships from 25thJuly  – 28thJuly 2019.

And in case you missed their last minute drop fence preparation – you can watch it on our Lindores Equestrian Facebook page

You can follow us on our social media channels @lindoresquestrian and visit www.lindoresxc.co.uk.  


#LindoresEquestrian           #TeamScotlandu18


 Equestrian Business of the Year 2019 at national horsescotland awards.

Lindores – Award Winning Cross Country Course

Lindores – Olympic Show Jumping sized Arena

Lindores – Hacking and Stunning Views


Lindores – Brand New Working Hunter Fences on Grass



Stay in touch with Lindores Equestrian

Website – www.lindoresxc.co.uk

Facebook – www.facebook.co.uk/lindoresequestrian

Instagram – www.instagram.co.uk/lindoresequestrian

Twitter – www.twitter.co.uk/lindoresxc


Lindores – Stay Ride Relax

Website – www.lindores.co.uk

Facebook – www.facebook.co.uk/lindoresstay

Instagram – www.instagram.co.uk/lindoresstay

Twitter – www.twitter.co.uk/lindoresstay


Be part of British Eventing Youth Programme – Find out more

#lindoresequestrian          #TeamScotlandu18



Official Sponsor of British Eventing U18 Scotland Team

Official Sponsor of British Eventing U18 Scotland Team

Lindores Equestrian are delighted to announce…

Their sponsorship of the British Eventing Scotland U18 team

Winner of Equestrian Business of the Year 2019 at the national horsescotland awards, Lindores Equestrian celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Reputed to be the most popular, friendly and inclusive training and horse holiday venue in Scotland, Lindores Equestrian are proud sponsors of the British Eventing Championship Team.

Lindores Equestrian has been a key training destination for many British Eventing riders and instructors.   We are immensely proud to support the qualifying team that have worked so hard and for so many years. The world-class riders and their British Eventing support team will represent our country at the Frickley Park National U18 Championships from 25thJuly  – 28thJuly 2019.

What’s the secret?

We will be meeting and interviewing some of the riders before the British Eventing Championships in July to hear directly from them how they qualified.  We want to know how they made it and how they are feeling?  What tips can they share for the rest of us training to be great?

So follow us on our social media channels @lindoresquestrian and visit www.lindoresxc.co.uk where you can find out team secrets. And a little about the venue where it all started, for some.

#LindoresEquestrian           #TeamScotlandu18

Photo Courtesy of Kate Lawson



Novice/2* Team

Emma Webster – The Face of Rome (Team Captain)

Rachel Williamson – McDiamond / Antrim October

Georgia Buchan – Valentino III

Olivia Burns – All Rosie

Freya Hartley – Waterloo Sunset

Pollyanna Smith – Castleroche Star

Ruth Farnsworth – Go H Alainn

Ellie Bryce – Lacoste

E100 BTeam

Grace Botterell – Winston XX (Team Captain)

Roan Grant – Caballo Rojo

Laura Patterson – Edelweis V

Katie Edgar – Ardagh Airborne

Kelly Grant – Heaven Eyes

Brook Walker – Shannondale Flight

Jemima Cross – Village Crescendo

Jodie Caig – Hespo

Sophie Mason – Pebbly Limited Edition

Iona Landale – Sioux Dreamcatcher

There are 3 BE100 team reserves (in alphabetical order):

Gregor Walkingshaw – Craigmancie Symphony

Rebecca Scott – Dinozzo

Sasha Niven – Forrests Foxy Lady

Vicky Edgar – Ardagh Bobby

 Equestrian Business of the Year 2019 at national horsescotland awards.

Celebrating our 30th anniversary, Lindores Equestrian is a first class training facility for riders and horses of all levels.  Ideal for beginners right through to professional riders we have visiting instructors, kids, adults, holiday makers and camp hosts visiting to ride for pleasure or progression.

Lindores is award winning because it offers so much more than any other venue.  We’ve simplified it into three key things which are Stay, Ride, Relax…

Click to visit our luxury accommodation website


At Lindores you can visit for an hour or your can stay for a week.  There is accommodation to suit all budgets. Guests can stay in the luxury lodges which have private hot tubs, stunning views and interiors. The architecturally designed houses and gardens are purpose built so their accessible, dog friendly and kid friendly.  If you’re keen for more affordable accommodation guests can stay in a bunkroom, pitch a tent in the campsite or hook-up their horse lorry for a comfortable night stay next to the famous Bothy.

The Bothy

The working farm has converted a cosy Bothy that is the heart of all the equestrian camp and clinic experiences.  The Bothy has a kitchen, log burning stove, dining area, lounge seating with accompanying showers and toilets.

The training venue is ideal for kid and adult camps both residential and non-residential.  Visiting hosts and instructors from all over the country hire the venue to create their own camp experiences.

There are limited spaces for hosting and riding in 2019 but do get in touch if you want to know more, they team will be happy to help CONTACT US


The backbone of the business is the famous Lindores Cross Country course.  Spanning 85 acres with over 125 British Eventing standard fences there is a huge range for training.

4** Eventer Louisa Milne Home riding Future Plans at Lindores

Customers can also hire the brand new working hunter fences on grass.  They can hire the Olympic show jumping sized outdoor arena all year.  There are also grass paddocks for turnout and dressage.

The hacking at Lindores offers varying terrain off road and the views from the stunning farm in Fife are so famous that Red Bull filmed with their sponsored athletes and EQy magazine voted it the ‘No 1 Horse Holiday destination’ nationally.

Olympic Show Jumping sized Arena

Incredible Hacking and Stunning Views


Brand New Working Hunter Fences on Grass




The business has always been run by the very friendly Black family.  They have created a very relaxed and welcoming environment. The business has grown off the back of listening and asking instructors and customers what they want.  If the customers and horses are happy the Blacks are happy. Because of this openness camps and horse holidays at Lindores can include on foot activities such as: paint balling, full body massages, vet talks, pilates, personal training, confidence coaching, racing talks, inspirational speakers and more recently biking experiences.

Have Fun Building Confidence and Trust


Lindores Equestrian is proud to be the best in 2019 which is why it is the perfect fit sponsoring the British Eventing Scotland U18 team at the 2019 Champs.


Stay in touch with Lindores Equestrian

Website – www.lindoresxc.co.uk

Facebook – www.facebook.co.uk/lindoresequestrian

Instagram – www.instagram.co.uk/lindoresequestrian

Twitter – www.twitter.co.uk/lindoresxc


Lindores – Stay Ride Relax

Website – www.lindores.co.uk

Facebook – www.facebook.co.uk/lindoresstay

Instagram – www.instagram.co.uk/lindoresstay

Twitter – www.twitter.co.uk/lindoresstay


Be part of British Eventing Youth Programme – Find out more

#lindoresequestrian          #TeamScotlandu18

Local Star – World Welfare Story

Local Star – World Welfare Story

Local Star Lucas Set is Muse of Charity Sculpture Trail

Charity, World Horse Welfare, which helps horses both in the UK and across the globe is this year launching a series of horse sculpture trails around the country and local rescue horse, Lucas, is the inspiration behind the trail!

World Horse Welfare Lucas was rescued by the charity as a yearling from a freezing field in January 2013, where he was living with his mother – both of whom were fighting to survive the harsh winter weather. Lucas was nursed back to health and was soon ready to find a new home as a youngster with a bright future ahead of him.

Colleen Macrae wanted to take on a youngster and knew about World Horse Welfare as she’d fundraised for the charity in the past. She said:
“To be honest, it was love at first sight! I was searching for a horse that would be a general allrounder and happy to compete across various disciplines. In order to do that, I wanted a youngster who seemed bright, curious and willing to learn. When I first went to visit Lucas at Hall Farm, we walked a little around the field together, getting to know one another. He was completely obsessed with my gloves, so I took one off and threw it about 20 metres away from me. Much to my surprise, he went trotting off to go and fetch it, and we repeated it several times as if he was a Labrador! After that, I knew he would fit into our family perfectly!

“Lucas’ real enthusiasm lies with his jumping! He’s a very confident ride both Showjumping and Cross Country, with an impressive amount of scope for such a little horse! I’ve always loved Showing and Dressage, so Eventing and Working Hunter has become our middle ground. Lucas and I take part in everything; he’s been very successful in the working hunter ring, always jumping fabulous clear rounds!”

Lucas was live sculpted for the horse trail by acclaimed sculptor, Judy Boyt (who crafted the famous Badminton Horse Trials trophy) in late 2018 and his 11hh sculpture has now been used to create the mould for production of the 40 fibreglass horse trail sculptures.

The 40 horses will be a combination of 11hh sculptures and miniature maquettes standing at around 35cm high, with each one designed and painted by a leading artist, equestrian personality or celebrity.

The World Horse Trail will be on display across the town of Windsor in April before moving on to the King’s Road in Chelsea, London. There will also be a travelling trail which will begin its journey at the Royal Windsor Horse Show in May where World Horse Welfare is Charity of the Year and where Lucas will also be competing.

There will also be a miniature trail on display at World Horse Welfare’s Belwade Farm near Aboyne, Aberdeenshire and visitors can see this throughout the Summer months.

Find out more at: www.worldhorsewelfare.org/world-horse-trail

Watch Colleen and Lucas promo film here at Lindores Equestrian in March 2019 on social media:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldhorsewelfare
Instagram: www.instagram.co.uk/@horsecharity

Equestrian Business of the Year 2019!

Equestrian Business of the Year 2019!

Lindores Equestrian in Fife, Scotland has been awarded Equestrian Business of the Year 2019 at the horsescotland National Equestrian Awards 2019. The family run business, which marks its 30th anniversary this year, is steadfast in customer care, collaboration and re-investment.

Grant Turnbull, Chair of charity horsescotland said “Lindores Equestrian has supported not only the equestrian community but also Scottish tourism. They have listened to demands and needs and continually develop the business in response. Their focus on customer care is exemplary.”

What makes Lindores unique is that it has evolved by listening to customer feedback and it has kept the same friendly and welcoming family values throughout its 30-year life. Lindores Equestrian has grown and invested on what the domestic equestrian market and the international tourism market demand.

Frances Black who established the business in 1989 was the first person to set up a cross country training course in Central Scotland. Frances built up a strong Scottish customer base and recruited top trainers like Ian Stark OBE to coach local riders.

Now, the business is managed by Anna Black and offers customers all year training and horse holiday experiences for all budgets and standard of horse and rider.

Anna Black said ‘we’re so delighted and honoured that Lindores Equestrian has been recognised by the industry. We put our heart and soul into the business, always innovating and pushing to do better. We cried with delight when the award was announced!’

The business now collaborates with a large number of riding clubs, charities, and qualified instructors to provide safe and friendly kid and adult training camps or day experiences.

Lindores Equestrian has also collaborated with Wilder Ways Adventures to offer people who can ride but don’t have a horse a sporting experience. Riders can book to trek, show jump in the new Olympic sized arena or even experience the jumps in the famous cross country course which is the size of 80 football pitches and has 125 horse jumps. This collaboration has now attracted international guests fly to Scotland and experience Fife.

The appeal of Lindores was only heightened when in January 2019 the business released a clip of world famous mountain biker Danny MacAskill racing top British event rider Louisa Milne Home. The fun and entertaining bike v’s horse video was watched online worldwide and again put Lindores firmly on the map as a place to stay, ride and relax.

Lindores Equestrian
Website – www.lindoresxc.co.uk
Facebook – www.facebook.com/lindoresequestrian
Instagram – www.instagram.com/lindoresequestrian
Twitter – www.twitter.com/lindoresxc

Lindores – Stay Ride Relax
Website – www.lindores.co.uk
Facebook – www.facebook.com/lindoresstay
Instagram – www.instagram.com/lindoresstay
Twitter – www.twitter.com/lindoresstay

Equine Influenza – Lindores Policy

Equine Influenza – Lindores Policy

** Lindores Equestrian Policy regarding Equine Influenza**

In line with BEF Veterinary Advice we can confirm that the events we have planned in will be going ahead as scheduled.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely but require that all horses attending Lindores are FULLY VACCINATED and that owners are vigilant, and if they have any concerns about their horse, other horses on their yard, that they are responsible and they do not travel their horse.
Passport spots checks will become standard practice at Lindores and if you do not have your passport with you – you will not be able to unload your horse to train or camp.
Vaccinations are vital in tackling the spread of the disease so all owners must ensure that their vaccination records are up to date, and if it’s been longer than 6 months since the last vaccination then discuss a booster with your veterinary surgeon.
Lindores are not stipulating that all horses visiting our yard must have a booster within the last 6 months. We are aligning with British Eventing Federation and request that you discuss whether a booster is required with your veterinary surgeon.
Clinical signs of equine influenza (flu) include:
– The sudden onset of a dry, harsh cough which can continue for two to three weeks and potentially persist for longer
– A raised temperature which lasts around 7 – 10 days
– A nasal discharge that is initially clear but becomes thick and purulent
– Loss of appetite
– Lethargy
Please contact your vet immediately if you have any concerns and do not travel your horse.
For more information visit: http://www.bhs.org.uk/…/press-ce…/news/2019/equine-influenza